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Adult Ministries

We have many different opportunities to connect with other adults. Explore these opportunities to find where you fit in!

Bible Studies

We have 2 different opportunities to study the Word of God:  PBS (Pastor's Bible Study) and 101 Important Words Study. Check the calendar for the most update meeting times.


United Women In Faith

United Women in Faith is a group of women whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice. We are turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world. You can join us at any time for one of our circles. Email Marty for more information.

Love Reaches All


Prayer Shawl

Do you like to knit or crochet? We have a group who knits/crochets prayer shawls and squares. They meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 1-3pm and they'd love to have you join them!

Watching a Movie

Stephen Ministries

Ever needed someone to just come along side you in a time of need? This is what a Stephen Minister does. Here at Aldersgate, we equip and empower lay (non-clergy) caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential and Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. A Stephen Minister is trained to listen, care for and be with you once a week during a difficult time (experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or any other life crisis.


Monday Movie Group

Each Monday a group of people get together to view a movie together. Enjoy some fellowship and one of the latest films! 

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